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Wanted items

We currently have customers interested in purchasing the following items. If you have the relevant equipment to dispose of, please email us info@ffordes.com to advise us of the details, quoting the reference number next to the item.

If you wish to add an item to our wanted list click here to submit your details.  Please only add one item per submission.

Reference Brand Product Description Requested
1645 Bronica 100mm F4 PE Macro 30/10/2023
1644 Bronica 40mm F4 PE 30/10/2023
1651 Bronica 40mm F4 S 30/10/2023
1643 Bronica 50mm F2.8 PE 30/10/2023
1640 Bronica ETR Complete 30/10/2023
1642 Bronica ETRSi Body Only 30/10/2023
1641 Bronica ETRSi Complete 30/10/2023
1646 Bronica Speedgrip E 30/10/2023
1650 Bronica SQ Body Only 30/10/2023
1648 Bronica SQA Complete 30/10/2023
1649 Bronica SQAi Complete 30/10/2023


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