Product code: SOR-28-079863
21mm F4 VM Color Skopar (No Finder)
Boxed with caps & hood.
The 21/4.0 Color Skopar P is rangefinder coupled, though hardly necessary with its prodigious depth of field. It has a seriously wide 91° diagonal angle of view, and is particularly suited to interior architecture and sweeping landscape shots. This new M mount version is based on the original 21mm optical design, and optically is every bit as good as its predecessor. PLease note this updated version does not come with a viewfinder.
Lens mount: VM Bayonet
Lens construction: 8 elements in 6 groups
Minimum Focus: 0.5m [only rangefinder coupled down to 0.7m]
Minimum Aperture: f22
Weight: 136g
Hood: Built in - also accepts optional LH-1 lens hood
Filter Size: 39mm