The Hadley Small is one of our most popular bags - hold it and you'll understand why. Not only is it a stylish messenger bag, it is an excellent camera bag - the perfect mix of style and function.
Take for example the 'Quick Release System' coupled with solid brass buckles. Why have we added both? Because the QRS allows you to open and close the bag quickly and silently with one hand and the buckles allow you to adjust the ‘fit’ of the front pockets. For example, if you have squeezed some bulky gear into one of the front pockets, you can just let out that side’s buckle to suit so that you can still comfortably close the bag with the QRS. You won't need to use the buckle for opening the bag.
The bag also offers exceptional protection. To this end the outside of the bag is made with stormproof 'Stormblock' material - two layers of fabric bonded together with a layer of butyl rubber. Stormblock fabric never needs 're-proofing'. Further the bag features a sculpted top flap to stop weather getting in. To provide impact protection the bag features a removable padded insert (attached inside by a single press stud) - take the insert out to transform the Hadley Small into an understated, stylish travel or work bag. Inside the insert are two removable, repositionable padded vertical dividers that run the height of the bag and two smaller flappy dividers for stacking lenses. The top of the insert features a padded flap as a further defense against any rain getting in and to provide protection in a fall.
The Hadley Small is a compact bag yet has a larger capacity than you might think. You can tell from the dimensions that it will fit 2 rangefinder or small mirrorless cameras but its flexible body also allows it to flex out to easily fit a mid-sized DSLR and 2-3 small to mid-sized lenses. The bag's two front pockets are fitted with a secondary stud in their top outer corner - open this stud to create extra space or close it to form a handy pen holder.
Of course all this, coupled with the fact that the Hadley Small doesn't 'look' like a camera bag makes it perfect for carrying your gear discretely round the country or the city. Like all our camera bags the Hadley Small is made in England and backed by our 5 year manufacturers guarantee.
External Dimensions W290mm x D120mm x H220mm
Internal Dimensions W260mm x D80mm x H190mm
Capacity 3.50 litres
Weight 0.70 kgs
Pockets 2