Redscale is the effect you get when shooting through the back of a colour film.
Image is exposed through the film’s base and the red sensitive layer first while also significantly reducing the impact of the blue sensitive layer.
Correctly exposed, this removes almost all of the blue from the image.
Creating a monochromatic results primarily consisting of reds, oranges and yellows.
RED is our first true creative film.
HARMAN RED 125 is an ISO 125 redscale film, that can transform mundane scenes into dystopian masterpieces with hues
HARMAN RED should be processed in C41/CN16 processing chemicals. - No processing adjustment is required for bracketed exposures.
Unlike standard colour films, the emulsion layer on redscale films is on the reverse. When processing using roller transport or minilab processing
equipment, the orientation of the emulsion can be easily reversed by using a reloadable cartridge if necessary.
HARMAN RED can be easily scanned on a range of commercial scanners. Use standard colour settings and auto correction for most scanners. Minimal density and colour balance corrections may be required to achieve the best results.
As with other C41 process films, Digital Image Correction and Enhancement (
Digital ICE) can be used to remove dust and scratches automatically from the image.
HARMAN RED negatives are printed in the same way as other colour C41 films.
Either via scanned negatives or direct analogue exposure.
The images are correctly oriented when the edge signing reads correctly